MWW Scholarships

MWW24 Scholarship Information and Application

Midwest Writers Workshop aims to serve all writers from all backgrounds at every stage of their journey. To this end, we extend an invitation to apply for a scholarship to those who might not otherwise be able to attend our conference, which is an experience that fosters writing growth and community.

Scholarhip Applications are due Tuesday, June 18

Please note that scholarships cover the registration fee only. Travel accommodations and meals are not included.

Available Scholarships

  • The Earl Conn Scholarship is available to a writer in financial need who would like to advance–or begin–their writing career and would not be able to attend otherwise. This is for in-person attendance.
  • The Jama Kehoe Bigger Scholarship is for a college student who wishes to attend #MWW24 to advance–or begin–their writing career. This is for in-person or virtual attendance.
  • The MWW Alumni Scholarship is available to a writer in financial need who would like to advance–or begin–their writing career and would not be able to attend otherwise. This is for in-person attendance. The anonymous donor of this scholarship requests that the awardee provide a short, written response about the conference’s impact on their writing.
  • The R. Karl Largent Scholarship is available to a writer in financial need who would like to advance–or begin–their writing career and would not be able to attend otherwise. This is for in-person attendance.
  • The Society for Excellent Hawaiian Shirts Scholarship is for a college student who wishes to attend #MWW24 to advance–or begin–their writing career. This is for in-person or virtual attendance.


Click Here to Apply Now!

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