At this year’s summer conference we’re excited to represent a wide array of genres and topics! You’ll find sessions on short stories, poetry, revision, research, structure, marketing, query letters, creative nonfiction, historical fiction, mystery/thriller, romance, young adult, children’s, and more! Also, there are panels about the creative process, writing life, and publishing industry. No matter what your genre, your writing will benefit from the wisdom and input of this impressive faculty. We’ll see you in July!
We are committed to providing accessible experiences for all. If you require special accommodations, please contact us at
The In-Person Experience: $289.00
After Tuesday, July 1, lunch options will no longer be available.
The #MWW25 in-person experience takes place at the Ball State Alumni Center in Muncie, IN.
- Attend sessions in-person or on Zoom
- Watch the recordings of ALL sessions and both keynotes speeches (for up to 90 days following the event)
- Participate in the Private Facebook group
- Participate in the Late Night Virtual TalkAbouts
- Visit Author Office Hours
- Visit the Quiet Writing Space
- Opportunity to buy and sell books at the consignment table.
- For an additional $50, have up to five pages of your manuscript reviewed by a member of our Manuscript Evaluation team
- manuscript evaluation materials are due by July 1, 2025
Click Here to Register for the #MWW25 IN-PERSON Conference
Student Rate available: $259. Must have a valid .edu email address. Contact for details.
Scholarship Opportunities
The Virtual Experience: $219.00
The #MWW25 virtual experience takes place via Zoom from wherever you are!
- Attend sessions live via Zoom
- Participate in the Q&A and chat!
- Watch the recordings of ALL sessions and both keynotes speeches (for up to 90 days following the event)
- Participate in the Private Facebook group
- Participate in the Early Morning CoffeeTalks
- Participate in the Late Night Virtual TalkAbouts
- Opportunity to buy and sell books at the consignment table.
- For an additional $50, have up to five pages of your manuscript reviewed by a member of our Manuscript Evaluation team
- manuscript evaluation materials are due by July 1, 2025
Unfortunately, Author Office Hours and Quiet Writing Spaces are not available to virtual attendees at this time
Click Here to Register for the #MWW25 VIRTUAL Conference
Student Rate available: $259. Must have a valid .edu email address. Contact for details.