MWW Success Stories

A lot of the copy in our newsletters and on our website is designed to promote our events; they feature interviews with faculty and agents. They’re chock full of great information (and terrific pull quotes!) but what we never want to lose sight of is that all of that–all the programming, all of the faculty–that’s all here for you.

So let’s celebrate *you.*

This past week we held MWW24, our annual summer conference in Muncie, IN. We asked attendees to write down recent writing successes, and were amazed at how many people are doing the thing. It’s amazing to see what you all are producing and the ways you are finding inspiration.

We’d like to share these successes with you. Read them over and ask yourself, “What are my successes?” There’s no success too small. Honestly? My most recent writing success was that I got a paragraph revised. But it was a big deal because I did it. Let’s keep pushing forward, all of us.

Send your success stories to and we’ll post it here on our website! Tell us about something exciting you’ve done with writing and/or publishing in the past year. Also, if you’d like, tell us how MWW has made an impact on your writing.

MWW Alumni

Lee Pierce

I just released my 6th book, a collection of short alternative Christmas stories, and it has been my best reviewed book! 

Check out Twelve Days: Unconventional Christmas Stories on Goodreads

Mona Mehas

My mother taught me to write poetry when I was a child. As an adult I composed what was necessary to get through college then I largely quit.

In 2019 my eldest sister passed and I started vomiting words due to trauma. Since then I’ve published 2 full poetry books, 1 chapbook, with another complete book of poetry forthcoming this summer. I’ve been published in over 100 journals and online museums.

My science fantasy novel is finished and I’m looking for publishers. I’m currently working on a novel-in-verse. I’m almost 70 years old and consider all this time from September 2019 to now evidence of my success story.

Michelle McGill-Vargas

My debut speculative historical fiction novel, AMERICAN GHOUL, was released September 2024 by Blackstone. I gave MWW a shout-out in the acknowledgments because I would not have achieved this without MWW. I’ve attended MWW for I don’t even know how many years. MWW was where I gave my first pitch to an agent. It was where I met instructors like Matthew Clemens and DE Johnson whose advice, critiques, and encouragement led me to never give up on becoming a published author. Had I not met authors Brenda Drake and Dee Romito at a long ago MWW conference, I would have never learned about Pitch Wars and using social media in my search for a literary agent, which was what led me to my agent and eventual publication. Attending and being a part of MWW is like a really good dream that sticks with you long after you’ve awaken from sleep. Those connections and classes have stuck with me and made me into the author I am today.

Kelly O’Dell Stanley

In November, I published a memoir, which I’ve been working on for seven years. I designed the cover and interior as well, so it feels like a really huge accomplishment that I finally finished it! Couldn’t have done it without all I’ve learned through MWW over the years!

THE ARTIST, Ladoga, Indiana is a memoir by Kelly O’Dell Stanley, where the brushstrokes of her father, Hoosier watercolorist Rob O’Dell, echo long after his passing in 2017. As Kelly moves into his restored turn-of-the-century building in a small Indiana town, she finds herself wandering the same roads he once traversed, enveloped by the vibrant landscapes he painted and the emotional landscapes of her own heart.

In her quest to understand her father’s legacy, Kelly dives deep into his art—discovering that its true beauty lies not just in technique, but in the profound connections it fosters. Rob found magic in the broken and the overlooked, reminding us all of the power of being seen and celebrated.

Through vignettes of Rob’s life, interwoven with heartfelt stories from those he touched, Kelly embarks on a journey of grief and self-discovery, navigating the delicate dance between loss and reinvention.

This memoir is a love letter to creativity and an exploration of what it means to redefine oneself in the wake of change. Framed by the legacy of a remarkable artist, The Artist, Ladoga, Indiana invites readers to embrace their own extraordinary, ordinary lives, reminding us that art can be a bridge connecting hearts across time and space.

Jon Kaplan

I am still telling people about my experience last summer at MWWW24. I got so much out of those few days with all of the other writers and the terrific presenters. One of my big takeaways was that there are many possible roads to publication. Prior to the workshop, I had been thinking about somehow getting some of my short stories published. But I only had the vaguest idea about how that might happen. After hearing from Jane Friedman about publishing and talking to many fellow participants, I realized that there are many paths to publication. I came back home and started researching different online and hard copy magazines that take submissions, subscribing to a couple of writing related substacks and just keeping my eyes open more on Facebook and other places for opportunities. I finished a new short story and submitted it to a couple of small presses with open submissions. To my surprise and delight, my story was accepted to be published in a Halloween anthology by Local Gem Poetry Press out of Long Island, NY. – This really boosted my confidence and was certainly one of my writing highlights in 2024. Other ways that MWWW24 influenced me were my introduction to flash fiction and prose poetry. I have been dabbling in both of those areas as much as time allows. There are so many other ways that MWWW24 influenced and bolstered my writing and for all of that, I am ever so grateful. I wish all the writers out there good luck and progress with whatever they are working on. And remember that good old maxim – Put your butt in the chair!

Amy Renshaw

published her second historical mystery, Strong Temptations: A Sophie Strong Mystery, in April 2024. The book is set in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. “I love doing research there and around the state, as a longtime Wisconsinite. I appreciate all of the great content and encouragement from Midwest Writers Workshop!”

Summary of Strong Temptations: A Sophie Strong Mystery (Book 2)
Reporter Sophie Strong uncovers deadly secrets lurking in the aisles of a 1912 Milwaukee department store. Will she risk everything in her quest to expose a killer?

Sophie yearns for a thrilling undercover mission that rivals those of her idol, journalist Nellie Bly. Her dreams of adventure are dashed when her cautious editor assigns her to the seemingly mundane role of a shopgirl. But appearances can be deceiving. What starts as an ordinary job takes a sinister turn when a fellow employee meets a tragic end. Suddenly, Sophie and her coworkers fall under suspicion. Determined to prove their innocence and driven by insatiable curiosity, she embarks on her own covert investigation. Detective Jacob Zimmer urges her to leave the pursuit of criminals to the professionals, but she can’t resist plunging into the perilous web of secrets, lies, and hidden motives. Sophie explores the shadowy corners of one of the city’s most popular department stores, and each step closer to the truth lures her into more danger.

More info:

Sandra McKay

just finished a year and a half of research for her next historical novel, and found a much bigger story than what was recorded in history.

Stephen Terrell’s historical true crime book, The Madness of John Terrell: Revenge and Insantiy on Trial in the Heartland, is being released by Kent State University Press on October 22. He will speak about the nearly four years of research and writing that went into the book at 11 am on August 10 at the Indiana State Library as part of the State Library’s Summer Lecture Series (free event! Registration required).

MWW24 Attendees

Doris Aldritch Smith

“Children’s picture books with 12 year old excellent artist- Don’t Be Afraid

Mary Ardery

“I continue sending out my poetry manuscript and getting finalist nods.”

“My grad school friend, Ashley, and I are here together–our first reunion post-COVID.”

Nancy Christie
“I released my second novel in my Midlife Moxie series: Finding Fran.”
Leslie Cradler

“I started submitting my adult fantasy novel to literary agents.”

“I get to meet all these awesome new people.”

Jennifer Criss

“I entered flash fiction contest and came in second in my section and was allowed to move on to round two. There were about 5600 participants narrowed down to 1300. Round 2 winners will be announced in August and will move on to the final round.”

Tammy Davis

“I wrote a creative nonfiction essay called ‘Broken Birds’ that placed in the top 10 of Women on Writing’s Q4 essay contest.”

“Coming to this conference has gotten me excited about writing again!”

Marydell Forbes

“I got a grant to attend this conference and work on my memoir in Cork, Ireland. The title of my project is “Put a Cork in It!”

“This is my third conference. I love it because it is inspiring and centered on the craft.”

Anne Hardman

“I recently started writing a book at thirteen years old to which I’ve never been more dedicated to”

“MWW has opened new opportunities for growth and learning.”

Lucinda Hoffman

“Published my first book in January. Second book in editing process.”

“Growing my craft. Loving it.”

Alicia Jaramillo

“I’ve been working on writing my college applications! Lol, also I’ve been writing poetry and lyrics-mostly because it’s what I’ve got time for.”

“This is my first time going! This community seems lovely =) I think it is inspiring me to continue exploring writing as a possible career!”

Jon Kaplan

“I am into my third year of daily journaling that sometimes morphs into the beginning of a story. I have revised a long short story I have been working on using feedback from my writing group.”

“Just being in a community of writers is empowering. So many best practices to learn from.”

Jay Kibble 

“A piece about my transition process is going to be published in an upcoming anthology and I was asked to read at a reading at IndyReads.”

“MWW has reignited my passion and spark as a writer and I’ll be forever grateful to Leah and co.”

Jessica Lamping

“I had a short horror story published!”

Amanda Latz

“I’ve done some cross-training to expand and learn more.”

Allison Lay

“I graduated with my MFA in creative writing!”

Nancy Lee

“I’m homing in on finishing an essay about surviving a botched surgery.”

“I now have some great approaches on how to structure my memoir–along with some memories to guide my journey.”

Emily Loney

“This week I have managed to write 10,000 words towards the first draft of my manuscript.”

“I’m honored to have been given a scholarship so I could attend this year. Thank you!”

John Malnor

“Had a great discussion with Sandra–manuscript review! I won my first writing award for a short story in April.”

“One more chance to learn and meet people. Great people and stories to carry with me.”

Nichole Mathews/A.J. Nix

“Had a timeline to finish a novel by June to pitch in November, treated myself to a birthday writers conference…it ended up a pitch workshop. On a whim, attempted my first pitch and the agent gave me her card to send her pages when I was finished.”

“Support when I was really low about my writing. Especially encouragement from Matt Clemens.”

A.D. Nauman

“My second novel, Down the Steep, was published in Oct. 2023 by Regal House!”

Karen Novak

“I finished a novel–for about two weeks and realized I wanted to revise.”

“I’m new to MWW, I began This last year at agent fest. This is my first MWW conference. I’m enjoying myself very much!”

Jodi Perras

“Last year I came here with an idea for a short story and shared some early version of it in a workshop. Today it’s on the book sale table as part of the 8th edition of the UP reader.”

“Just love getting inspiration, technical training and meeting other authors.”

Cliff Protzman

“Matthew Clemens did an eval my second year. He walked in, slammed the manuscript on the table, and said “Cliff, it sucks.” After a pause he said, “The good news is, it doesn’t suck too bad.” I learned to accept suggestions and critique.”

Zachary Rowe

“I launched an author website.”

“It’s made me feel more a part of a community”

Jacqueline E. Tirey

“I am getting a poem published in an anthology!”

“This s my first year, and I already feel more connected to my writing life”

TJ Watson

“While I haven’t been writing anything new as of the last two weeks, I have been editing my MBK sequels.”

“It has been reenergized my drive being among my people and listening to amazing speakers.”

Pam Weis

“I got my first short story published!”

Allison Yoder

“I am thrilled to be writing children’s picture books and poetry. I am excited to share them as I’m an avid book lover, teacher, mom, grandma and, now, author!”

“I’m excited to be at my very first conference! I love all the support and encouragement!”


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