First Page Reads

First Page Read – Love It or Leave It

Get expert feedback on your incredibly important first lines and know if your writing has what it needs to keep readers’ attention. The First Page Reads sessions are a chance to get your first page read (anonymously — no bylines given) by our attending agents, who will take turns commenting on a submission’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more about what you can take away from the First Page Read experience here on our blog.

PLEASE NOTE: First Page Reads are *not* the same thing as the Query Letter & First Page Critiques, which are a $50 add-on in which you meet one-on-one with an agent to discuss your materials.

All attendees are welcome to submit their first page by October 30th

  • Email with “First Page Read” in subject line
  • One submission only
  • Remove your name from your submitted first page
  • Include the genre in the upper right hand corner of your submitted first page
  • Attach your first page (name removed, genre in the right hand corner) as a Word document or PDF
    • Please do not include your first page in the body of the email. Send it as an attachment
  • Adhere to standard Manuscript Format
  • First Page Read example

We cannot guarantee that your page will be read. Pages are chosen at random. and we will read as many as we can while the session lasts.

Please note that at Agent Fest Online 2024 we do NOT record the First Page Reads in order to protect your intellectual property. If you submit a First Page, it may or may not be drawn at random to be read and discussed during one of the First Page Read sessions.

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