About the Pitches

Pitch Sessions

You get to choose THREE agents to pitch to in one-on-one Zoom appointments.

Each pitch lasts eight minutes, composed of a 4-minute pitch and a 4-minute response/discussion from the agent.

You Will Receive:

  • Immediate feedback on the merits of your book directly from agents working in that genre or category
  • Actionable advice on perfecting your pitch, and/or ways to improve your storyline or nonfiction premise
  • The opportunity to land representation and start on your path to a publishing deal

Keys to Agent Fest Success:

  • Do your research. There are nine agents attending and some will be a better fit for your writing than others. Be sure to study the list of faculty and target those who handle your genre or interest
  • Practice makes perfect. This is your chance to sell your book, so write it out, practice it and perfect your pitch. Use a stopwatch so you can keep time—and their attention!
  • Get expert advice. To help you prepare, we have Zoom sessions with willing volunteers where you can practice. You can hone your pitch and get more comfortable with presenting live. You’ll also gain the confidence you need to make a great impression
  • Read this blog post by Jane Friedman — How to Pitch Agents at a Writers Conference
  • And here’s one from the MWW blog — The (Dreaded) Agent Pitch

By Saturday afternoon, you will have added more tools to help you move forward on your writing journey!

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