In 2016, the Midwest Writers Workshop moved to its new location at the L.A. Pittenger Student on the campus of Ball State University. The faculty and participants enjoyed this sprawling facility with its extra parking slots, classrooms, Starbucks, food court, lounge areas, and–would you believe–a bowling alley! What other writers’ conference offers an opportunity to bowl with authors and agents!
Now for the “MORE” and “NEW” of 2017….
The additional space enables us to accommodate MORE writers, faculty, editors, agents, and workshops. We have a large faculty that includes a NEW intensive session on screenwriting, a NEW session on writing for children, and a NEW session on Adventures in Developmental Editing. We have bestselling and award-winning faculty for thriller, memoir, young adult, women’s fiction, nonfiction; PLUS Scrivener, PLUS six agents and three editors.
We’ve put together a schedule that balances keynote talks on both the craft and business of writing, hands-on learning, panel discussions, and opportunities for manuscript evaluations, query letter critiques, professional head shots, social media tutoring, and tax/business consultations. We’re now able to offer 10 Part I intensive sessions and 45+ sessions for Part II on Friday and Saturday. We’ve made it extremely tough to decide which ones to attend!
Amid all that MWW offers, one thing will remain constant: Hoosier hospitality. Our planning team works hard to create the kind of friendly environment that gives new and veteran writers room to grow. Whether you’re a “regular” who makes Midwest Writers Workshop an annual event, or a first-timer who has decided–like us–to take a giant leap this year to the next level, we look forward to welcoming you on July 20!
Look at this stellar faculty!
Look at this fantastic schedule!
THEN … make haste and go
Here to register online!
… and just so you know, the Part I Intensive Sessions have small and limited class sizes, so don’t wait too long to register!